Regular update on the Play Ethic agenda

Journal editor: Pat Kane

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November Compendium
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Edited by Pat Kane (email)

Hi everyone, many apologies for long silence. Engaged fully these days - and my software doesn't allow for easy, intuitive, and truly mobile blogging. (That's getting fixed). In any case, here's a very eclectic list from November, all of which radiates out from the Play Ethic, one way or another. (I'll decorate with pics soon).

best, PK

:: Pop'n'Politics ::

• Moby, Soros launch contests for anti-Bush commercial
A holy alliance...

• Howard Zinn and Radiohead's Thom Yorke in conversation
...and another one

• Of grunge and government
Kris Novoselic of Nirvana wants to be a pol

• Rocking the Hip-Hop Vote
The playas become players in time for the next round of US elections

:: Signs of Islam and Araby ::

• Agonistic Islam
Play's ancient rhetoric (contestation and the agon) as a way of understanding Islamic politics. The beginning of a long conversation...

• Baghdad, city of grafitti
The politics of satire - an inescapable human form of play

• Umberto Eco on the future of books
His speech at the opening of the new library of Alexandria

:: A Message for you, Doctor Strangelove ::

• Play Go, not Chess to understand the world
John Arquilla, Rand specialist, on the new gamimg metaphor for geopolitics

• Gen. Franks Doubts Constitution Will Survive WMD Attack
Even to make this thinkable is deeply worrying

:: Ludicism and Literacy ::

• Swaraj: Play in Education
Fascinating Indian think-tank - based on the Ghandian notion of Swaraj, or self-determination - looking at the power of play in education. (Thanks to Zaid Hassan).

• Harvard Gazette: Kurt Cobain vs. Master P: Multiple approaches to education
Pop as a route to pedagogy

• Are we over-programming our children?
Challenging piece on the opposition between free play and digital play

• George Lakoff: Simple Framing
Becoming aware of the metaphors we're ruled by

• Lawrence Lessig on Free Culture
The Paul Revere of the Information Age makes his usual painstaking case for the commons

:: Business Competitions ::

• Beyond Globophobia
Defending globalisation from the left...

• In defense of globalization: why cultural exchange is still an overwhelming force for good
...and from the libertarian right

• The 'Thing' Economy and the 'Care' Economy
Fascinating paper which confirms the pertinence of the Play Ethic's new social continuum - between play and care.

• What Strategists Can Learn from Sartre
GBN's James Ogilvy (who wrote a player's catechism once called Living without a Goal) brings existentialism to business

• Unreason in Economics
It takes a Nobel Prize winner to tell us

:: The Generation Fractal (Not Gap) ::

• Misreading Millennials
What does Generation Z want?

• Luxury Fever and Affluenza
Desire and materialism in fond embrace

• 35 Heroes of Freedom
Who has made the world groovier

The Soulitariat Stirs

• Does Digital Politics Still Matter
When - pace Howard Dean - did it ever stop?

• Playground evolution
Someone's written the Cahiers Du Cinema for computer games

• Rodney King stole my picture phone
We like to watch... especially when counter-surveillance comes in such an easy form

• Transhumanism and Democracy
Is that a big enough idea? No?

• Minimum Utopia: Ten Theses
Well try this one for size

:: Toying with the Heart ::

• Can girls really play with boys?
Good question

• The Man about the house
More signs that the 'PlayMan' (rather than PlayBoy) is coming to light

Love in the Time of No Time
Is internet dating about flexibility and individuality, or is it the desperate response to the oppressions of an overwork culture? Discuss/disgust

• We need to pull ourselves together
Anti-play psychology

• How to be happy
Pro-play psychology

:: Europe in Play ::

• Habermas and Derrida on the fate of Europe
Philosophy's greatest systematiser, and greatest player, come together in a new geopolitical vision for the continent, post-Iraq and 9/11

• Richard Rorty comments on H&D

• As does Paul Kennedy

• ...And the Habermasian Spy
Jurgen's acolyte as a South Korean subversive

:: Play Times ::

• Mandela's favourite African folk tales
Beautiful reference in this article to the spider's web of Anansie - "its stories may yet ensnare the world". It'd have to negotiate with Indra's Postmodern Net first...

• Interesting optical illusion
You always gotta have one


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