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100 things

In honor of PPB's 100 things post, here is my list. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

100 things about me (aka, I'm thoroughly sick of myself now)

1. I am the oldest of four
2. I am a Texan by birth, living in the diaspora
3. I’ve been married almost 11 years
4. I am a reverend
5. and a mother
6. I remember numbers really well
7. I write
8. and knit, badly
9. I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up
10. but I like what I am now
11. I do yoga, sometimes
12. I am a perfectionist in recovery
13. and an adult child of an alcoholic
14. but he quit drinking when I was three so I don’t remember
15. I’ve been drunk, myself
16. but never smoked a cigarette
17. or taken illegal drugs of any kind
18. but I have been known to eat canned frosting by the spoonful
19. I am a night owl
20. Sleeping is a favorite hobby
21. I used to watch a lot of movies
22. and enjoy watching good ones multiple times
23. I used to play softball
24. second base
25. but am not into team sports so much
26. I have the strong urge to group these items into categories
27. but I won’t
28. I was an English major
29. who loved British lit especially
30. although I haven’t read enough Virginia Woolf
31. and I only mostly made it through Ulysses
32. I also sang in college
33. I was an alto/mezzo but with voice lessons my range got higher
34. I did musical theater and loved it
35. played the Baker’s Wife in Into the Woods
36. and I think Sondheim kicks Lloyd Webber’s sentimental synthesized butt
37. I play the guitar
38. but I was too lazy to learn bar chords
39. my sister is a Christian
40. my mother’s Unitarian
41. my dad almost became a Catholic priest
42. my husband’s family is full of Presbyterian pastors
43. (I married into the family business)
44. my brothers are none of the above/miscellaneous
45. I was baptized Catholic
46. when I was little I thought the Catholic song leader was God
47. then I was Baptist
48. I never thought anyone there was God
49. then I was No Thank You before I became Presbyterian
50. I was a technical writer/consultant out of college
51. worked with oil companies, mutual fund companies, HMOs, and grocery stores as clients
52. then I took a seminary class and it changed my life
53. I still really want to categorize this list
54. and I still won’t
55. I have eyes that are hard to categorize
56. and fair skin that burns in about 10 minutes
57. and short hair
58. though I wore it long for many years
59. I mainly hung out with guys in college
60. but now I hang out with groups of women
61. I am getting bored with this list
62. but don’t want to leave it undone
63. because I am a J, in fact an ENFJ
64. but perhaps more introverted than I test
65. and I think a 3 on the Enneagram
66. and in my group of CGs, I am Caro from the Ya-ya Sisterhood
67. and Tibi from the Traveling Pants
68. and though I know these gal-pal novels, I mainly read non-fiction
69. although I just finished the Chronicles of Narnia for the second time
70. and my first favorite book growing up was Charlotte’s Web
71. and my second was A Wrinkle in Time
72. my spiritual type is contemplative/mystic
73. but I also dwell in my head too much
74. I like talking theology
75. and was a TA for summer Greek
76. and a TA for a preaching practicum
77. and was president of the student body
78. but I did a poor job because I was pregnant at the time
79. and I feel bad about that
80. I get incredibly motion sick
81. and am really near-sighted
82. although I wear contacts most of the time
83. unless I’m wearing purple glasses
84. I watch The Daily Show
85. and West Wing reruns on Bravo
86. and the occasional CSI with R (although he only likes the original)
87. and we read the New Yorker
88. Salon
89. Christian Century
90. Parents Magazine
91. Brain, Child
92. Presbyterian Outlook
93. and numerous blogs
94. it’s time for bed
95. so I’m not even going to proof this
96. just post it
97. and be done with it
98. and it’s good medicine for me to break the rules a bit
99. so there will only be 99.

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