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2006-07-23 9:19 PM forgive me O God, for I have ranted Senate of Southern Commonwealth The Office of Senator Earnest P. Pontificator Reverend Senior Pastor Suburban Presbyterian Church Suburb, Commonwealth Dear Reverend Senior Pastor, I am writing to ask your help with one of the most important moral and legislative issues of our time. Oh, my gracious! You must be referring to the two million children in our state who lack health insurance! Or the fact that we have not raised the minimum wage in nine years! …No? OK, well, is it the war? The death penalty? Global warming? No? Well, am I getting warmer? (Bad global warming joke) Then what, pray tell, is this pressing moral issue? Could it be, perhaps, your gripping need to energize the conservative evangelical base?
Uh, first parents? Are you referring to Adam and Eve? If so, I must reluctantly commend you for not parroting that tripe about “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.” Beyond that, however, I must ask where in Genesis 1-3 it refers to Adam and Eve as a married couple. I’m not saying they weren’t, I’m just suggesting you’re making a cultural assumption that just is not supported in the text. And who officiated at that wedding anyway? God? “By the authority vested in me by… Me, I declare that you are husband and wife. Those whom I have joined together, let no one put asunder. That shouldn’t be tough because there’s no one else here.”
Oh that’s right, you’re for limited government that’s just small enough to fit in our bedrooms.
Which would be news to Jacob, and his wife Rachel, and his wife Leah, and his wife Zilpah, and his wife Bilhah…
I can't help but notice that you still haven’t explained how this will protect our children. And it seems that you aren't going to, because it's time for our closing hymn—please stand and turn in your hymnbooks to #457, “It’s Me, It’s Me, It’s Me O Lord, Pandering in the Need of Votes.”
To respond appropriately, I must seek assistance from teh internets. Click here, Senator, and you will receive your answer. In case that isn’t clear enough: Thus spake reverendmother: Verily I say unto you, thou shalt not peddle that shit in our sanctuary. Read/Post Comments (17) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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