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2004-11-09 1:11 PM Down With Intellectuals! Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (3) I am particularly hard-hit by what I perceive to be the anti-elite, anti-intellectual, anti-educated bias in America today. The "aw-shucks" good ol' country boy theme which really represents almost no one, but has been drug out time and again to represent solid, conservative, earthy, down-home righteousness as opposed to highty, flighty, hidden sex-in-the closet, high and mighty, lord-it-over-all know-it-alls.
The good ol' boy theme covers what I perceive to be a profound anti-intellectualism in American politics; the theme of Rationalism vs. Faith. You cannot stand up and say I'm smart, I'm well-educated, I change my mind when new evidence presents itself, I'm an agnostic--and keep your job or get elected dogcatcher. Intelligent well-educated thoughtful people have very few niches where they are accepte--and politics ain't one of 'em. In the real world, if you have a genius IQ and a top-notch education, you'd best pretend to be "one of the guys" or you will face ostracism and calumny, even if you're just an ordinary person not running for office. Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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