rhubarb 2409837 Curiosities served |
2005-01-29 7:24 AM Our Current Leaders Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (5) I would like to get your take on the following few paragraphs regarding our current administration. Am I being paranoid or am I close to the mark?
I think George Bush was co-opted as a figurehead by a small group of neocons who have been looking for someone like him for several years now. David Duke and Dan Quayle were amone the earlier failures; they needed someone intelligent enough to carry it off, someone with family contacts, and a failure desperate enough to be willing to sell his soul to the Devil in exchange for power. I think the neocons had their sights on several possibilities, but W filled the bill—a weak man who needed validation, had the family and the Yale Bones connections, yet controllable. In my opinion, George W. Bush does not lead our country; he is merely a placeholder for the true wielders of power—the neocons, who have been working very diligently and intelligently towards this political setup. Those who are ranting and raving against President Bush are merely pissing upwind, since he is the front man for a cabal, a fraternity--a weak addictive personality (albeit charming and intelligent), seduced by power, money and position. A recovering alcoholic and a failed oilman, his new addiction is fundamental Christianity and he feel morally justified in all his actions—nay, he feels that his Christian beliefs require that he support certain actions and the neocons who surround him make sure (as do all cult leaders) that his belief system is not interfered with by isolating him from apostates’ views. Those who are not true believers are summarily removed from the inner circles. What’s going on in his head? How conscious is he that this is happening? How much does he go along with it voluntarily and how much is he being bamboozled? Only he knows, maybe not Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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