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Astrological Fun
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I've so often read Xenon's references to servers, friends, family and others with their sun-sign, that I find I have started doing the same thing. And modifiying my greeting/salutation/small talk accordingly. For some reason my workplace is stuffed way beyond the usual percentages with fire signs, especially Aries and Sagittarius and (not a fire sign) Virgo. As you might expect we have strong opinions and enthusiastic (shall we say heated on occasion?) exchanges. Always lots going on.

As you might expect, the Cancers (and Pisces to some extent) feel threatened and overwhelmed, so I spend some time reassuring them that this is mostly Sound and Light, full of sound and fury and signifying not much. Comforted, they go on their scritch-scratchy ways, muttering to themselves.

We really should tone it down for them.

I didn't mean it to sound as though I were referring to Virgo as a fire sign; it's just that they always seem to have their delightful insightful selves in the middle of everything. With the right answer, no less. Just when we think *we* have the right answer, here they come with chapter and verse, the page copied out of the manual and the exact reference highlighted.

Can't get away with much hyperbole with a Virgo keeping you on the straight and narrow. They are the heart and soul of our operation.

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