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In the Eyes of the Military: Laser Weapons
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Anything can have its nature turned to use as a weapon. Take, for instance, this article from the New Scientist web site: The US military is funding development of a weapon that delivers a blast of terrible pain from a respectible distance, for use in controlling rioters. It leaves victims unharmed (interesting definition of harm, there)--at least there is no deformation of body parts. Who cares about psychological effects?

Nice. A new torture machine that leaves no visible marks. And all based upon pain reduction research. This is right on the edge of biological warfare and has been a staple of science fiction stories for decades. An electromagnetic pulse which knocks a person off his feet, causes excruciating pain and I believe actually paralyzes for a time. Anybody who has experienced severe pain can tell you all about the way it paralyzes the person--stops him dead in his tracks.

Notice that the intended use could be domestic as well as foreign.

So if you're ever inGainesville, Florida, stop by the friendly folks at the University of Florida's Pulsed Energy Projectiles project and say hello. Their weapon will be deployed in 2007. Science fiction is science fact and the future is upon us.

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