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Classical Music and Healing
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Albert Schweitzer believed that music aided the healing process, specifically classical music. He used to play Beethoven, especially Symphony #5, in the hospital wards. He said that it helped patients get well, even if they had never been exposed to western music before (the hospital was in Africa and his patiens were mostly tribal people).

I wonder if there's any scientific evidence for the healing properties of music? I know that certain kinds of music help me to concentrate. I know that other music soothes and relaxes me. And of course there are the musical pieces that rev me up and get me going. I can't imagine life without music.

But, still, I wonder if there's any objective evidence for the reported powers of music. It wouldn't surprise me. After all, our brain is powered by minute electrical impulses; our hearts beat a rhythm 24/7, now slower, now faster. It would make sense that music would impact our sense of well-being. But does it speed healing? I don't know.

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