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Recess Appointments
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Once again, President Bush has slapped down his own Congress by making two recess appointments to the gang that oversees and rubber stamps the Social Security and Medicare reports. The two appointments were supposed to be people representing the public interest. When Congress objected to renewing the current placeholders, an unprecedented reappointment, Bush waited until Congress was out of session and then made these "public trustee" recess appointments.

Remember Bolton's recess appointment as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.?

Congress cannot undo these appointments. There's a legal situation that needs to be changed. And when is Congress going to wake up to the fact that they are merely placeholders in this government, while the man at the top aggregates the power to himself as the one anointed by god to rule? Are they so anxious to get re-elected that they will abrogate their obligation to the public weal?

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