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Sunday Slowly Sliding By
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It was a lovely Sunday morning--until about 9 o'clock--and then it turned windy and hot. The winds come booming in off the desert, dry and dusty and hot; we call them Santa Anas. As I stood by my open window I could feel the temperature difference of the incoming wind, about 15 degrees over the indoor temp. By early afternoon the thermometer had topped out at 92 @#$$%^& degrees and holding. P.S. It was 97 degrees in Fullerton!

Thanks to my MS (always lurking waiting to strike), I can't tolerate the heat, so Sunday was pretty low key, which is my graceful way of saying I sat around and didn't do much of anything. It was too hot to put away clean laundry or sort papers. It was even too hot to read.

In the evening we watched The Departed--a vintage Martin Scorsese movie. It did have that edge-of-the-seat quality, but it's not one that I would recommend, nor watch again. My generation remembers M.A.D., when the United States and the Soviet Union faced each other over the threat of mutually assured destruction and we practiced drop drills in our classrooms. This film had the same theme on a different level. Have to remember to send the DVD back to Netflix and get another.

It's 9:30 p.m. and the temperature is down to 87 degrees. Get out your longjohns, Paw; we's havin' a cold spell!

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