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2008-08-22 1:01 PM A December Baby Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (5) Had an interesting conversation today. We got to speaking, he and I, of our experiences with childhood poverty. Soon we floated into things philosophical, including the influence of mental attitudes, perceptions of reality, and expectations on the actual outcomes of a life.
Finally, I asked him if he was a December baby. He said yes, how did I guess. I told him that so many of the characteristics I could see and hear from him fit the Sagittarius profile perfectly. He said it was all superstition and nonsense. I asked him if I could try a pseudo-experiment. I would read a list of personality characteristics of Sun in Sagittarius and he would tell me if they fit him. What I did was to read 20 of Sagittarius and 15 of Cancer, without telling him what I was doing. Sure enough, he fit 19 of the Sagittarian traits and only 2 of the Cancer traits. When I disclosed to him what I had done, he was astounded. He wondered how I had known he was a December baby, and I told him I am one myself and I recognized him fairly soon into our conversation as one of us. He said, 'but Sagittarians are always outgoing and sociable', and that he needs his solitude and quiet. I told him that all the December people I have ever known have been that way, of a dual nature. Very social and yet requiring periods of solitude. Then we got onto the subject of predictions of future events. Whole 'nuther topic, I said. Trends, possibilities?--yes; predictions?--not really. And, being the philosophical creatures that we are, we discussed that one to death, too. Great conversation. Really wonderful person. There should be more of us. Can you imagine what it would be like to have a whole group of people who say about a problem, "Wall? What wall? I don't see a wall!" (sagitta means arrow in Latin) and forge right ahead. Maybe we would get more problems resolved with less fear and animosity. December babies rock! Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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