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2008-12-19 4:50 PM Trying to Avoid Hate Speech, But... Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (4) Trying to Avoid Hate Mongering
How can I write this comment without engaging in hate speech? Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest and an Aquarius, will deliver the invocation at President-elect Barack Obama's inaugural swearing-in ceremony. Rick Warren endorsed California's Proposition 8, which amends the state Constitution to declare that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and compared same sex relationships to pedophilia and bestiality. The decision to have Rick Warren deliver the invocation is taking inclusiveness too far. President-elect Obama may find inspiration in a prayer circle of which Rick Warren is a member, but to give the invocation to initiate the presidency of a man whose campaing we supported and who has been the hope for a better world, is a grotesque error. Have him speak at some point in the event, ok, but the invocation? How could President-elect Obama have selected such a bigoted, arrogant, evangelical rabble rouser to set the tone for the first official event of his presidency? I don't understand how Aretha Franklin, Yo-Yo Ma and Itzhak Perlman can participate in the same event with Warren. Don't they know Warren's views on "others"? Would Obama have selected a racist or an anti-semitic preacher to speak? Yes, I'm avoiding hate speech, unlike Warren, who called Social Gospel Protestants "Marxists in Christian clothing". And said that 'non-Christians...are justly and irrevocably condemned to burn in Hell forever'. Civility means more than just being polite for the moment. It means respect for the worth and dignity of every person. Read/Post Comments (4) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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