rhubarb 2411121 Curiosities served |
2009-05-14 3:52 PM 68 Days and Counting Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (1) I was challenged to count the days until vacation. I think it's 68 days, roughly two months and a week. Once I had my passport in my hand, it began to feel like a reality, not seem like a pipe dream.
Having something great to look forward to (who, me? end a sentence a preposition with?) makes the daily drudgery much easier to get through (specializing in end-of-sentences prepositions of). I can slog through anything, if there's an end in sight (or if not in sight, in hope). I'll get frantic only if I feel I'm trapped, with no way out -- ever. Speaking of no end in sight, I just looked at my "To Do" list for tomorrow. It's longer than it was at the beginning of the day this morning. What am I doing wrong? Early sign on tomorrow, 5:30 a.m. *yawn* The cats will have a conniption at being disturbed so early, rousted out just after settling down from a good night's romp with the mice. Poor things. Time to go home and make dinner and collapse into a puddle of protoplasm. Later! Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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