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Uh Oh I'm in Trouble Now
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One of the less attractive habits my company has is to introduce (and require the use of) computer programs to enhance our 8-to-5 day but which do not work as described (sometimes won't even boot, let alone enhance anything).

In a meeting with all the supervisors I was told to conduct an off-the-cuff 10 minute quick "cheat sheet" training of a brand new program. Which doesn't work. I know it doesn't, because during the hour just prior to the meeting I wrestled with it (and it won).

I refused. I said I would not say something worked when it didn't and it was just a waste of everyone's time to pretend otherwise. That I would be happy to conduct training as soon as the program in question was fixed.

Oh, my. My manager is not happy with me. But I just couldn't bring myself to tell the convenient lie.

Good thing I never promoted to management. I'd have been booted out my first week. The first requirement of being a manager is to be able to eat excrement and smile while doing so.

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