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Chinatown, then Community Living Center
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My UU friends and I are meeting for lunch (Dim Sum) in Chinatown, walking and sightseeing for a bit, then I will bid them good-bye and head on over to the VA. N has been moved to the Nursing Care facility.

A bit anxious here. Driving from Chinatown to anywhere sounds so easy on paper, but the streets are tortuous, narrow, one-way, and you can't get there from here (dead ends). Driving in downtown Los Angeles is always a harrowing experience. I used to do it in a big yellow school bus; I don't know how I had the nerve.

N was moved yesterday from the hospital ward to what is called the Community Living Center. He's in a two-person room (with windows!) and he says it's much more pleasant. I think the stay in the hospital would make any other surroundings (except maybe a slum tenement) seem pleasant.

He can stay there, though, only if he meets certain criteria and we are still waiting for his disability to be approved. Keep the positive thoughts, as will I.

Meanwhile, I'm nearly paralyzed with anxiety, but I'm not going to let it get the better of me. So instead of crawling under the covers and hiding from the world, I'm forcing myself to go out and about today.

It's beautiful, albeit breezy. I hope you enjoy your day!

jackhammer has started again next door, tearing up the pool--all day yesterday as well. glad to be out of the house for most of the day.

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