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2011-08-31 8:18 AM Things That Go Bump in the Night Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (2) I donated blood at the American Red Cross yesterday on the way home, got an early supper and lay down to rest my eyes when the sun went down.
My eyes, loving the break from all-day computer use and from reading, never opened long enough for me to get from the front room to the bed room. Who knows, I might have stayed there all night... EXCEPT that at 10 p.m. or thereabouts an awful noise shattered the neighborhood quiet. Clearly a vehicle in mortal distress. At first I thought it had thrown a rod, but as it kept dragging its carcass and moaning at an incredible volume, I realized that it was probably a blown head gasket, vehicular flatulence. After being so rudely awakened, I trudged upstairs, yawning, changed out of my day clothes, did my evening ablutions, and went to bed. Ahhhh...dark, quiet, cool. An hour later the thundering of some mighty mechanical beast once again blasted through the windows left open to the coolth of the evening. Jolted out of a sound sleep, I ran downstairs. My housemate and I did a comedy act, trying to get out of the front door at the same time. Corks in a bottleneck. There was a gigantic flatbed vehicle pulled up to the opposite curb, disgorging pavement creation machinery. Roar. Vroom. Ka-boom. Clatter. Bang, bang, bump. We sat out on the brick wall which surrounds my olive tree and watched as all the machinery was unloaded, since it was obvious there was no sleep to be had until it was over. We had fun speculating on the possibilities of joy-riding on the bulldozer, and leaving it somewhere miles away. No, too hard to walk all the way back. Peace once more reigned. Wide awake now, I went back upstairs to read until I was sleepy once again. Thwap-thwap-thwap-thwap a police helicopter surveilled the neighborhood, no doubt looking for miscreants (and secretly enjoying rousting the neighborhood). It seemed to hover just long enough to be sure everyone was awake, then faded off toward the east. Good bye, good riddance. Irritation kept me awake this time, and as I lay there, tossing and turning, I was kept company by a nearby car alarm that chose the middle of the night to have another temper tantrum. The car's people finally shut it off, and I fell asleep. The rest of the night (or should I say pre-dawn morning) was quiet. My alarm, at 5 a.m., went off far too early. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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