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On my way to somewhere else...
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I started out wanting to fold up the sweaters that I've hung over the backs of the chairs and put them on the shelf. Most were fine, but one sweater needed to be tossed in the wash so....

I gathered up a load of darks and put them in the washer. Then went back upstairs to fold and put away the rest. Was struck by the thought that it was silly to have sweaters and vests and sweatshirts I wear all the time on the very top shelf (where I can't reach them--vertically challenged), so....

I took them all out, put the towels and sheets and pillow cases on the top and put the folded things away on the shelf I can reach easily.

Oh, yes, the laundry was washed by then, off to the garage to remove from washer and put in dryer, except for one needed to be laid out flat to dry....

Egad, I had forgotten to eat breakfast. But in order to prepare breakfast, I had to go to TJ's and buy comestibles, returning to put them away and make my week's worth of nuts-and-cheese breakfasts....

sitting down to eat, interrupted by the crew repairing the patio cover (bang, thump, crash) to ask me if I had a long extension cord for the compressor. Extension cord was not in its usual spot in the garage (grrrh...) so I asked housemate. She had it in her vehicle (she does construction and repair work and has my permission to use my tools and equipment), then....

out to the garage to take out and fold stuff in dryer, and....

FINALLY sitting down to breakfast at 11:10.

Not taking it easy in retirement. A little ADD, but it feels good to get things done that have been waiting so long, too long....

mmmmmm...cheese and nuts and an apple. Breakfast at last!

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