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Day of Words
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Today I'll tackle the editing of the monthly newsletter and after that, write a few thank you notes and/or letters.

I could turn my attention to other tasks, like cleaning out the hall closet, but why would I want to do a boring thing like that? Much more fun to continue reading Quicksilver.

I read the first section and became very vested in the story and the characters. The second section started in a different stratum of society in London, different characters, and an entirely different storyline. The first section left everyone hanging, the action suspended in midair, as it were.

The author is quite deft at weaving storylines together, so I'm confident that it will all eventually become clear, but for now I find it somewhat unsettling. What do a Vagabond and an escaped harem woman have to do with Newton and Leibnitz? Curiosity, if nothing else, impels me.

Meanwhile, the dust bunnies live undisturbed under my chair. At times they become quite bold and peek out. I wiggle my fingers at them, they bow, and I go back to my book.

Live and let live, say I.

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