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I agree with Sue--writing a nice long entry and hitting the wrong key, wiping it out, is MOST annoying. (Maybe the Universe was telling me that you don't really care what my blood type is and all that minutiae so important to me.)

Long story short: I donated blood yesterday; didn't pay attention to the technician's "no alcohol" admonition; had a generous glass of pinot grigio with dinner; barely able to walk upstairs to bed.

I wonder why it hit me so hard. Is it because donating blood is somewhat dehydrating and so the alcohol is absorbed all at once?

Whatever it was, I haven't been three sheets to the wind in a good number of years (an exaggeration; more like slightly inebriated). We played a game of Scrabble and I could barely concentrate, but it was fun, both of us laughing out loud at the least excuse.

Menu will continue with wine at dinnertime, just not after blood donation.

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