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Health Scare of the Week (Drum Roll please)
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I went to the Red Cross yesterday afternoon to donate my ever-so-popular O-Negative CMV Negative blood.

But when the tech checked my hemo level, it was not up to the 12.5 that the Red Cross requires. This has happened before--it has been 12.3 or 12.4 at times. I go home, stock up on green leafies and beans, come back in a couple of weeks and make my donation, no problem.

But this time, for the first time in my long life, the level was 11.1! I was in shock (still am). To my knowledge, my hemo level has NEVER been so low. I feel OK (a little lethargic maybe) and the RN who came in to double-check the level seemed quite blase about it.

She assured me it was not anything to worry about, said to eat stuff from the list she gave me (as if I didn't have it memorized by now) and come back in a couple of weeks.

Though I'm not obsessive over my health, I'm old enough to know that I must take care of my body, since it's the only one I have. I checked my O2 level (98%) and, reassured, got a good night's sleep.

Today I'll go to the store and stock up on high FE foods, to supplement what I already have. Pick up some chewable Vitamin C while I'm there, and I'm good to go.

Still, though, the little voice in my head keeps saying, 11.1? WTF??

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