rhubarb 2412641 Curiosities served |
2013-05-12 8:43 AM Regulation Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (5) My car has to be inspected and registered. I, as a driver, was required to have training, to take a written test and a driving road test to demonstrate my capabilities in handling the operation of the vehicle. I have to be licensed, renew it, and carry it with me every time I drive my car.
I am held liable, responsible, for what I do with my vehicle, especially if my negligence results in property damage or death of other human beings. I can have my right to own and operate a vehicle terminated if I am negligent to the point where I am considered a danger to myself or others. There are approximately 30,000 automobile fatalities in the U.S. every year. And approximately the same number of gun related fatalities. So explain to me why the rules for owning/using a gun should be far less (or non-existent) than those governing a car. Oh...cars hadn't been invented in the 18th century, weren't referenced in the Constitution, so that makes it all different. Why should gun regulation be different from car/driver licensing? A gun is designed to kill people (not just transport them); shouldn't we hold gun owners to an even higher standard than drivers? Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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