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I've seen alot of people documenting their typical days. Lovely, and very human, all the stuff I love to read. It got me thinking of the difference between what we want to have happen, what we plan to have happen, and what actually happens. So here's my analysis of various events in my life.

1. My exercise routine.

What I Wanted to Happen: Lose another 20 pounds this winter like I did last winter.

What I Planned: to go to bed at a reasonable time so I could get up and workout on my elliptical trainer at least 5 mornings a week.

What Really Happened: I talk myself into or out of exercise on a random basis. I stay up reading and then wake up with enough time to workout, but sometimes still don't. I workout after work instead of in the morning. I decide that sex counts as a workout, even if it is not vigorous. I justify. I maintain my weight, but don't lose.

2. My musical pursuits.

What I Wanted to Happen: start oboe lessons in January, be playing in the local orchestra in the fall

What I Planned: oboe lessons twice a month

What Really Happened: the oboe is still getting fixed (I'm borrowing from school), I've had one lesson (Jan 5) and I spent $40 on books I've cracked once.

3. Ride my motorcycle to hell and gone this year.

What I Wanted to Happen: Ride my bike all over, see Aitch in ABQ, the farm in Alberta, Vancouver Island, and Deal's Gap.

What I Planned: two rides a month with my motorcycle club, as well as some rides with the Cajun and assorted others, purchase of cold-weather gear so I can ride in marginal conditions

What Really Happened: So far, one ride since November 30th, the day I had to get the bike out of the garage at the old apartment. The rides with the club are all on the calendar, but last year I didn't make them all, sometimes just because I was in a funk.

4. Keeping my house clean and tidy.

What I Wanted to Happen: to have a tidy house most of the time, to keep things out of my way and organized so I don't trip over them

What I Planned: I will make the bed every morning, I will pick up cast-off clothing as soon as I take it off, I will fold and hang or put away the laundry instead of leaving it folded on the couch for two days

What Really Happened: let's see - the cat is asleep on the unfolded but clean blue sheets, there is an area rug folded over the back of the couch, the sewing machine and kit are on the floor in the hallway, dishes aren't done, and the litter box needs changing.

Success rate = who knows? Am I happy? Most of the time. Do I do some of what I wanted? Yes. Does it matter if my house isn't spotless? Nope. Am I off to ride my motorcycle today, regardless of whether I've worked out or cleaned the house? You bet.

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