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Nosy Survey (ala MizHidee, again!)
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1. Who's bed did you sleep in last night?
My own. Well, the couch, actually.

2. What time did you wake up?
7 am

3. What was the first thing you did this morning?
Made coffee and let the cats out.

4. What was the last thing you did last night
Fell asleep watching ST:TNG on videotape.

5. Where are you?
My kitchen table, Port-au-Patois.

6. Who are you with?
Two cats and a Ron White DVD.

7. Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
No. But I massaged someone in class, and did paraffin dip, foot soak, and contrast hydrotherapy for her. Right after she did it for me.

8. Look at your cell phone, who is the forth missed call from?
A number I don't recognize, from my area code.

9. Who sent you the last text message?
My brother.

10. What about the third one down in your inbox?
411 text for REI's number.

11. Do you love anyone right now?
Yes, many people.

12. Do you have a crush on anybody?
I don't think so.

The Past Round
13. Have you ever told anyone you loved them?

14. Have you ever been truly loved back?

15. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
14 or 15.

16. How old were you when you lost your virginity?
Seventeen, on Christmas Eve of my senior year of high school.

17. Have you ever been caught doing something you shouldn't?
Ya think?!

18. Ever been beaten up?
Not unless you count those slap fights with my sister! Oh, yeah, in kindergarten, I was cornered in a semi-circular driveway by Sandy and Jevin, and they hit me in the stomach.

19. Ever been to jail?

20. Ever had a one night stand?
Yes, about 20 years ago.

21. Ever flashed anyone?
Yes. Do you recall who you're talking to, here? (Shout out to Kiz, if you are out there somewhere.)

22. Ever thrown up in public?
I must have, but I can't remember.

23. What about passed out because of alcohol?
No. But thrown up because of it 3 times. A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

24. What's on your mind RIGHT NOW?
Greek islands.

The Future Round
25. Wanna get married?
No, twice was enough to teach me that the relationship is much more important than the paper.

26. How many kids do you want?
None. My partner's kids would be fine, depending on how many.

27. How many wives/husbands do you want?
The first two were enough. The first one is still my friend (howdy, Dex), and the second one sort of got a new religion and doesn't contact me much.

28. Want sex?
Who's offering?

29. Would you make a good mom/dad?
Emotionally, yes. But I am not willing to, nor am I physically able to have kids at this stage in my life. Again, other people's kids are great.

30. Would you take a bullet for anyone?
Yes, a few people.

31. Where would you like to live?
Port-au-Patois, #7.

32. What kind of house would you like?
If I had to get one, a one-floor rambler that's been updated with simple, practical things like a concrete floor in the bathroom, shingles on the outside. Or, I'd take the entirety of Port-au-Patois, and remodel the interior to be three floors of open loft living.

33. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Grow up? What is this grow up of which you speak?

34. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Employed, hiking, riding my motorcycle, and working for myself four days a week.

35. Where do you see your self in 10 years?
Um, duh. Just what I said.

36. Do you plan on telling your boss to shove it any time soon?
I don't have a boss, I don't work.

The Myspace Round
37. Look at your top friends... who is number one?

38. Why is he/she number one?
He signed up first.

39. Ever kissed anyone on your myspace friends list?

40. Ever seen any of them naked?

41. Who was the last person to leave you a comment?
Heidi W.

42. Are you good friends with him/her?
We used to be neighbors, and we hang out once in a while. Not often enough!

43. How often do you log in to myspace?
Twice a day; I leave my computer on when I'm in the house.

44. Do you get excited by new comments/picture comments?
Yeah, because that's how little socializing I do in the real world.

45. How many pictures do you currently have on your pics page?

46. Ever have sex with someone on your top 8?
Yes. Let's see, two of them. No, three. And with the current boyfriend of one of them, when he wasn't his boyfriend.

47. How many top friends do you have?
What even is that? Seven?

48. Who is the last person on your top friends
Chad, proud papa of Rashito.

49. Would you ever date them?
No, his boyfriend would get pretty upset.

50. What's the last blog on your page about?
The good things about turning 41.

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