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It's all about the O.
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Ms. Netta, former padawan and now Jedi in her own right, has bestowed upon me the letter O for this meme.

Post a comment, and I'll give you a letter. You then list ten of your favorite things that start with the given letter.

1. osculation - os·cu·la·tion n. 1.a. The act of kissing. b. A kiss.


2. olivada - a fabulous, creamy, kalamata-olive-filled salad dressing that they serve at a restaurant where I once worked.

3. ombudsman - (from Wikipedia:) The origin of the word is found in Old Swedish umbuðsmann (accusative) and the word umbuds man, meaning representative. The first preserved use is in Swedish. In the Danish Law of Jutland from 1241 the term is umbozman and means a royal civil servant in a hundred (country subdivision). From 1552, it is also used in the other Scandinavian languages such as the Icelandic "umboðsmaður", the Norwegian "ombudsmann" and the Danish "ombudsmand".

The modern use of the term began in Sweden, with the Swedish Parliamentary Ombudsman instituted in 1809, to safeguard the rights of citizens by establishing a supervisory agency independent of the executive branch.

4. ouevre - I have been thinking about what constitutes my life's body of work to this point. My ouevre must certainly contain my complex, cathartic semantic concoctions (of which that was an example), the songs I've written and sung, the office doodles that became works of art, the work I have done, the earrings and cookies I've made, and every complaint about my back pain that I've ever uttered. Oh, and let's not forget "ruperdop", "assholianism", and "supplicants perform the secret buttwiggle to enter Nirvana".

5. onomatopoeia - because it's just so damned important!


6. orgasm - there is really no need for me to comment further regarding this word, the concept and activities it represents, or the implications thereof.

7. orzo - this rice-shaped pasta pellet is tres fabu in a Greek salad (orzo, balsamic vinegar, cucumber, tomato, feta, garlic) or with just butter and salt on it. Oh, now I want some.

8. Olalla - This is the small community across the water from where I live. I like the way the word sounds, oh-LA-luh. Damp and mushroomy and liquid.

9. Oh face - You know what I'm talkin' about:

10. O, Canada - the Canadian National Anthem. It's so much nicer than ours, protective and proud without sounding military. More regal than "The Star-Spangled Banner". And didn't start out as a drinking song. Listen to a 1937 recording of this anthem by going to the Wikipedia entry for O, Canada.

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