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Here are my poll answers, to get you headed in the right direction:

Relationship - any coupling of two or more people; a friendship, a marriage, anything in between, if it is an affiliation of some duration and emotional content. For example, I consider myself to have relationships with my family members, friends, and lovers.

Friends – people you enjoy being with, but do not go beyond holding hands with. No romantic feelings are present, or if they are (or were), they are not acted upon because you’re both mature enough to leave that out of the equation. If you just can’t leave that out, you might choose to become:

Friends with benefits (FWB) - a fuck buddy, someone you trust with your thoughts and your body, and to whom you go when there is no bf/gf in your life. Sometimes FWB is considered as part of an:

Open relationship - usually a disaster, unless under some very particular circumstances. This is when two people indicate each other as the primary, but not only, romantic/sex partner. Again, usually a disaster, no matter how open-minded and modern the participants want to be. Better to try:

Dating - going out to do things with someone. Someone can be dating more than one person at the same time. Dating does not imply monogamy, commitment, or exclusivity of any kind. If the daters want these things, then they are stepping from dating to:

Boyfriend/girlfriend - the person you are dating, monogamously. The primary romantic interest in your life. You are off the market. This means you have decided on:

Monogamy - the state of sleeping with only one person, while in a relationship with that person. In my world, monogamy means no kissy-face with other people, no oral, nothing but hugs and maybe holding hands. Once you’ve been monogamous a while, you might opt for a more serious:

Commitment - a step beyond bf/gf and monogamy; this to me involves two people who have been dating a while (more than a year, say) deciding that they want to be partners in life. This may or may not involve marriage, but decidedly does involve living together and sharing expenses and resources (though not necessarily commingled finances).

"Ex" (bf, gf, wife, husband, spouse, partner) – the person you used to be monogamous with. Regardless of prior relationship, you are no longer anything but friends with this person, if that. Good for you if you remain friends. If not, no big deal. These things happen.

Trust – one person knows and believes that the other is telling the truth and/or will use their best judgment if confronted with a temptation or decision. The one making a decision will do so with respect for the other person and the relationship.

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