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Water Way
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I procrastinated. I waffled. I watched the grey sky. To float or not to float?

Lance said, "Just go" or words to that effect. I am so grateful for that extra push - thanks Lance!

The lake was almost calm. While the skies were not sunny, and in fact looked like I might see some rain, I kept the faith and headed to the small rental dock. I sat in some fish scales while I blew up the floaty-thing. I set the unopened chocolate bar (thanks also to my colleague) in the cupholder, took off my shoes and secured them to the armrest, clicked my car key carabiner to my swim bottoms, and gingerly sat on the float. This wasn't easy.

Aaaaahhhhhh. The water was fragrant and cool. I spent about a half hour paddling out past the peninsula and into the main body of the lake. A light breeze carried me north a while, then I paddled back to the dock. I thought many times about eating the chocolate, but if I opened it out on the water, I'd have to eat it all at once because I couldn't re-seal the wrapper. I let it be. (I know, shocker!)

Once back at the dock, I had to make the decision. To swim or not to swim? I always come up with a bunch of reasons why I shouldn't, even while my soul is in AGONY, longing to get in. I just got in.

Vigorous head-high crawl stroke warmed my body quickly. As those of you know who have seen me, my stocky frame is well insulated. As soon as I'm warm, I stay warm a while.

I paddled around, switching from crawl to breaststroke to both sides for sidestroke. I wanted to give my spine a vacation from gravity and hopefully from some discomfort. I think I succeeded.

Getting out of the water was a lot more tricky than getting in. I had to get on the floaty, untie the floaty from where I'd tethered it to the dock, swing it around to the end of the dock, and then contrive some way up and onto the dock. I eventually got on my knees and pushed against the floaty. It gave a lot more than I expected, but I got just enough lift to get my ass onto the dock. Right back into the fish scales. But I was there.

Put on my wet squishy Keens, picked up the floaty and the chocolate bar, and headed back to the car. I was so refreshed and refilled. I changed into a sweater and harem pants right there next to the car (hope no one cared, but I didn't, and so there it is).

What a great day.

I left the floaty inflated in the back of my car. Never know when I'll need to head out again on a moment's notice.

The chocolate was reeeeeeally good, too.

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