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Things that make me cry, whether I want to or not:

Movie scene: In Juno, when she has the baby. It's so poignant; she's determined to give the baby up, she's in love with Bleeker, she's full of hormones that should be calmed by holding her baby, and yet she lies there crying because what else are ya gonna do? I am overwhelmed every time I see a baby being born (which occurs on screen, since I don't attend any births). I don't want kids. I made that decision a long time ago. But when I see someone with a baby, I think, What if it actually does turn out okay in the end? It's not regret, it's just "what if". But "what if" can be powerful beyond our control, and the waterworks just happen.

Being angry: Sometimes when I am angry, usually about an injustice about which I can do nothing, usually in a meeting at work (former work), usually when stressed and/or exhausted, I lose it. This must be a woman thing (guys, chime in if it's not). I'm not sad; my fullness of emotion just comes out my eyes. Whatever is inside me has to come out as tears.

Frustration about pain: I've noticed this most with the back issue. I can be in pain all day, or more usually all night, and not cry. The pain is simply a presence, like any other entity in my bubble, and I carry it around. Even when I turn the wrong way, I am prone to yell out, not to cry. It's when I think about the pain as a disembodied thing, when it has worn on me for days, that I cry. Sometimes I feel it will be with me forever, or that I will have to take pain pills forever, or that no one will figure out what best to do for it, or a hundred other wonderings. I pull out of this feeling after a bit, since I find it pointless to cry alone (and embarrassing to cry in front of others). But it still crops up when I'm exhausted by dealing with pain.

The usual: When people close to me die or are in pain or are injured. When I hear that someone has killed themselves. When I hear that children have been neglected or abused. When I realize my powerlessness in the face of such events. When someone has accused me of something I absolutely would never do, because it shows how little they think of me or how poorly they know me. It impugns my integrity, which I hold to be quite important, in the biblical "let your yes be yes and your no be no" sense.

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