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2007-05-31 8:15 PM As my ipod syncs Read/Post Comments (0) |
As my sister described in her latest post, I am enjoying a week of Quiet. House. (I am not however a lucky bitch, but instead a lucky assertive woman. So, nyah.) So while my ipod resyncs after freezing itself earlier today, I am going to take some of my quiet time to describe what a lucky assertive woman does when her family is away and it is her day off from work. *Sleep. *Read. *Feed the cats and dog. *Put on tall rubber boots and pull unwanted plants out of the swamp. *Cut wayward bamboo. *Set bamboo next to the little garage to "cure" so that it can later be used for ivy training. *Trim other plants from garden paths. *Cut the tops off of the native sunflower plants to that they will branch into two or three flowers. *Go to the New Orleans Museum of Art to see "Femme, Femme, Femme" (for any readers in this area, go see this. It is great, cheap, Sunday is the last day and the museum is going to be open from midnight to midnight on Sunday.) *Go buy a bathing suit. (yuck, yuck and double yuck. I hate this activity more than anything else in the world and yes even more than the dentist and the gyn) *Go to the bookstore *Notice that it is after 7pm. Who cares, I don't have to worry about dinner for the family. *Fix ipod You get the idea. I haven't had this much freedom to do whatever I want since I got married. (that would be 20 years ago) BUT,....and it is a big but (not butt, that was trying on bathing suits)......today my cell rang and played Fur Elise, the tune that is assigned to my husband and kids, and my heart jumped. Quiet. House. is good. Crazy family house is better. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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