Ernest Hemingway is said to have written a six-word story and called it his best work: "For sale: baby shoes. Never used." SJ Rozan invites writers to submit six word crime stories here. To submit: Send your story to: SIXWORDSTORY@AOL.COM. Include your name and, if you want, your url. We won't post email addresses. Stories SJ finds appealing for whatever idiosyncratic reason will be posted here. Send titles if you like, but we here at Six Word Story HQ like that part and will probably title them ourselves. Maybe there'll be a prize beyond the wonder of seeing your story in electronic print; maybe not. We'll think about it. Meanwhile, we're waiting... |
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2006-12-12 12:10 PM And speaking of winners We interrupt our contest to post the following. To an email address not ten days old, we get this. I'm a connoisseur of scams and for some reason this one, sent here, cracks me up. Especially the instruction to "ensure that the needful is done now and quickly too." And ya know, if they'd said it in six words...
Attn: SIXWORDSTORY! YOU ARE A WINNER! We are pleased to inform you of the release of the long awaited results of the De-LOTTO NL International Promotions Lottery programmes draws held on the 1st December,2006.You were entered unaware as an independent participants with: Reference Number: LIP/DH 00014578, and Batch Number DH/82109/LKP.Your email address attached to the ticket number:00024537, Serials /N 20201.Draw Lucky # 3652871 draws the lucky winning number, which consequently won the De-LOTTO NL International Lottery Promotions in the 2nd category. You have been approved for a payment of the sum US$1,500,000 (One Million, Five Hundred Thousand U.S.Dollars.) in cash credited to file reference number: LIP/BCC 00078653. This is from a total cash prize of US$15,000,000.00 (Fifteen Million U.S.Dollars) shared among the ten international winners in the 2nd categories. All participants were randomly selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 250,000 (Two Hundred and Fifty thousand) names of email users around the world, as part of our international promotion program; this programme is sponsored by the Conglomeration of computer software/Hardware manufacturers worldwide. Due to mix up of some names and addresses, we urge you to keep this winning personal and discreet until your claims have been processed and your funds remitted to you, this is part of our security measures to avoid double claiming or unwarranted abuse of the system by other participants or impersonators. Your fund is now deposited in a special account with the paying Bank-POST BANK NL. To begin your claim, DO NOT contact us, instead contact the approved paying bank based in Holland (Netherlands), as they will guide you step by step until your winning prize is paid to you. Contact person: Mr Jim Douglas.(Forex Department) Post Bank NL,Amsterdam-Holland (Netherlands) EMAIL:- Tel:-++31-61.6763676. Also give him the following information:-YOUR FULL NAMES,CONTACT STREET ADDRESS,TELEPHONE NUMBERS{OFFICE AND (MOBILE),FAX NUMBER,OCCUPATION AND YOUR AGE,REF Number: LIP/DH:- 00014578,BATCH No:-DH/82109/LKP . Your security file number is LIP2090/WIN/2006 (keep personal) Remember, your winning must be claimed not later than 15th December, 2006. Failure to claim your winning prize will obviously mean that your winning prize will be re-staked in our next lottery draws which comes up very shortly ,so ensure that the needful is done now and quickly too. Once again, accept our profound and sincere congratulations on your winning. Yours' Sincerely. Ms.Ute Schroeder Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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