me in the piazza

I'm a writer, publishing both as SJ Rozan and, with Carlos Dews, as Sam Cabot. (I'm Sam, he's Cabot.) Here you can find links to my almost-daily blog posts, including the Saturday haiku I've been doing for years. BUT the blog itself has moved to my website. If you go on over there you can subscribe and you'll never miss a post. (Miss a post! A scary thought!) Also, I'll be teaching a writing workshop in Italy this summer -- come join us!
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Actual & Dim

I have no idea. I saw the above on a FedEx Express label on a box put out for recycling. It was in fact on two labels, so it must be a real FedEx category: Actual & Dim. Logic suggests it's abbreviations ("Dim" for "Dimension"?) or acronyms -- though if "Dim" is an acronym I want it to stand for Deliver IMmediately -- but it made me laugh because it sure does describe how I've been feeling these days: stuck in reality, totally unimaginative and not very bright.

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