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2002-04-23 9:08 PM use the force Mood: tempted. |
I am soooo tempted by this. Kenny should probably make it a requirement to sign up for journalscape.
Reminder: the following is a bunch of narcissistic malarkey. 1. WHAT'S THE STORY BEHIND YOUR USER NAME? God, this is a great lead in question. I first started using piscis about the time I got on the internet, somewhere in the murkiness of 1993. I've routinely used it since, though there was a time back in prehistoric email when I went by the Venerable Cat. My name has a twofold meaning. First, I was born in March, so I am a pisces. Secondly, it is the singular, nominative form of the latin, so the fish or the sign of the fish, i.e. sign of a christian. 2. NAME FIVE [5] OF YOUR FAVORITE FOODS.
3. HAVE YOU EVER HAD A MAKEOVER? Am I female? Did I grow up in the 80's? Yeah. I had a makeover. 4. HAVE YOU EVER WITNESSED DEATH? Of hamsters, fish, dogs, birds, distance relatives, a grandparent here and there, bosses, high school bullies....that is as close as death has come to me. 5. WHAT'S THE LONGEST TIME YOU'VE STAYED OUT OF THE COUNTRY/WHERE? I lived in Rome, Italy for 4 months in an ex-convent rented out to these people. While I was there I traveled to Germany, Switerland, Belgium, and France. It was great except I was working through issues with what to do about guru then, so I missed some of the entertainment. I was lucky enough to read tolken for the first time, mainly on the train from Rome to Bonn, Germany. It was astounding. 6. ONE THING YOU'RE GRATEFUL FOR, TODAY. I'm home! I'm thankful that god lead us to this great house and that all the ends are still being met. Oh, and that Star of India does take out! 7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HIGH SCHOOL MEMORY? Getting a 92 Superior Rating for Marching Band my senior year, my 1st year on the mellophone. (long long dull dull story involving musical insturments and KY) Band trip to Virginia Beach and the poetry that insued. Designing and Painting a full size backdrop on my own, in my own zone. Seeing Hair the Musical in Lexington with BS when I was suppose to be in 5th Period English, 2 hours away. 8. WHAT IS THE MOST INSANE THING YOU'VE DONE FOR/TO YOUR LOVE? Threatened to stalk him if we didn't get married. It worked, didn't it? 9. DESCRIBE YOUR DREAM WEDDING. One that is over so the marriage can begin. (watch that silver cord!) 10. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE DOING WHEN YOU ARE 60? Every craft and artsy-fartsy activity I can get my hands on. Swiming. Playing cards over at our friends houses, playing viola in a ametur group for the fun of it. Traveling to museums, basically what I'm doing now, sans the work. Oh, and plus a dog. 11. WHAT IS YOUR FIRST MEMORY? My backyard. There was a swing on the laundry pole bar. It was my swing. It was close to our house. The lawn was big. 12. DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE QUOTE? Nah. They float to the surface as needed. Too many to list here. 13. MY FIRST HEARTBREAK HAPPENED WHEN I WAS... (pretend) When I was in junior high, the boys I liked didn't know I existed. (for real) I was 17. It involved the affore mentioned BS. 14. HOW MUCH MONEY DOES IT TAKE TO KEEP YOU FOR A YEAR? I came into this money idea sometime after I married guru, so I only know the "group rate." When we young (and stupid) we could live on 25k a year. Now that we are old (and still dumb) we usually need about $40k a year to meet obligations, debts, etc. Money sucks, btw. 15. DO YOU HAVE ANY WEIRD PREFERENCES? Guru will tell you its pareasean cheese, but the truth is I can't stand to be beholden to anyone for any reason. That and I hate most things carbonated (except champaigne) and all things fish. 16. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? How computers can last for hours and hours as a topic of conversation. Or maybe that is just geeks. 17. WHAT PIECE OF TECHNOLOGY DO YOU WANT MOST RIGHT NOW? Scanner, Printer. No...Big fucking mac laptop. Oh, and one of the thin screens. 18. NAME ONE TV CHARACTER YOU'D MOST WANT TO BE. None really. Tv really sucks at the moment. 19. FAVORITE GEMSTONE? Ruby, followed very closely by an emerald. 20. GIVE YOURSELF A PORN STAR NAME. what the cat dragged in 21. WHAT'S YOUR WORST FLAW? Self doubt, egotism, and thinking I can do much more than I can. Cheering for the underdog and lost causes. 22. WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO DO THIS SUMMER? Ah, sleep? Nah, this summer I'm graduating and probably doing an internship. 23. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SONG RIGHT NOW? "Blind" by the Talking Heads "Sunrise Serenade" by Glen Miller "Good Defense" by Fiona Apple 24. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE MOVIES IN THESE CATEGORIES: HUMOR: Fight Club, A Bugs Life ROMANCE:The English Patient DRAMA: Girl, Interrupted, Watershipdown ACTION: The Fifth Element, The Abyss HORROR: Aliens 25. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DISNEY SONG? None of them stick out in my mind. 26. DESCRIBE YOUR DREAM HOUSE. More of what we have now. Please include a swiming pool, and some kind of sumptuously large bathtub. It be nice to have a sun deck with tile warmed by the sun too. 27. YOUR TYPICAL SLEEPWEAR: T-shirt and undies. 28. WHAT'S IN YOUR BAG? 1 business card a pen 1 cell phone a quarter small bottle of advil chapstick, rollaids and an eraser 2 x 100 zip disks 1 cd of stock photography a wallet w/ check book 1 handless mic for said cell phone 2 handeez gloves for bad wrists 1 mapquest map to interview 1 business card for chropracter lint ziplock bag full of pencils, leads h2 thru 3b some feminine items, also in a ziplock bag. 4 folders labeled with each of my classes on them 1, 11 x 14 pad of semi translucent marker paper, thumbnails intered inside. 1 copy of the pulp weekly mag. 1 college rule spiral notebook. (and this isn't including what is in my coat pockets) 29. WHAT IS THE MOST INTERESTING THING YOU'VE EVER WORN, PIERCED, OR TATTOOED? Worn: First off, I loved my wedding dress. Secondly, I'd have to go with a pair of jeans that I decorated to be cool. God. bad fashion choice there. Pierce: Both ears once, Left ear twice. Tattoo: None at the moment. I could tell you what I would get. 30. HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR WALLET RIGHT NOW? $6 bucks and change. Ah, but I've got more in my pocket. I love surprises. 31. WHAT'S YOUR NEXT CHARACTER CONCEPT? Fighter based off of the character Titus, of the movie of the same name (played by Anthony Hopkins) , a older general, who is disgraced at home and banished, but is plotting revenge. When he's not having one of his moments. 32. WHAT ARE YOU MOST PROUD OF IN YOUR LIFE? Nothing. It all fades after I accomplish it. 33. HOW WAS YOUR SENIOR PROM? Other than conning a friend into getting me a cd player at project prom, dull to painful. 34. TELL US ABOUT ANY OF YOUR BIRTHDAYS. I had some great birthdays. From Tie-dying to our own story-teller, my birthdays rocked when I was a kid. I also enjoyed being a complete brat last year, which was my birthday present to myself. 35. WHAT DO YOU MOST ENJOY ABOUT LOOKING AT OTHER PEOPLE? Interaction that doesn't involve me. I like watching and listening to peoples stories without being a part of the storytelling. 36. WHAT ARE THE FIRST FIVE THINGS YOU WOULD SPLURGE ON IF YOU WERE A BILLIONAIRE? Central Air and Working Fire places. Any art class I could get my hands on. upgrade upgrade upgrade New cars for everyone! Pay off the rest my debt. Finance guru in school from now until kingdom come. 37. WHAT IS YOUR DAILY BEFORE-GOING-TO-BED RITUAL? Turn off all electronical, box like devices Check the doors/locks Turn off lights. Get ready for bed. Read about a half hour. Whine at guru to find a stopping point and turn off the light. Fall Asleep or find out I'm wide awake. 38. WHAT IS THE WEIRDEST/FUNNIEST NICKNAME ANYONE HAS EVER CALLED YOU? Dodo bird. No, I have no idea why this came up in high school. "Dodo bird fly north for the winter" was my daily theme song for much of my freshman year. These are the same KY gentleman that came up with the ever popular refrain: "Pinto Beans!" 39. NAME THREE [3] OF YOUR FAVORITE CARTOON/ANIME CHARACTERS. Cerebus and Jaka Grendal Tales - that one. Kiki 40. WHAT ARE THE MAGAZINES YOU READ ON A REGULAR BASIS? none. Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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