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2008-09-06 7:51 PM Definitely an IUD Read/Post Comments (2) |
Except, of course, for the mail box.
I really have to admire the mail carrier. She (I think) managed to cram more stuff into my mailbox than it was meant to hold. It took two hands to pull out one of the boxes in there. What happened? Well, we missed delivery a day or two because of Gustav (and it's propounced GOOSE - tav around here) and so there was a bit of an accumulation. I'd ordered some books over the last week or so, and today they were all stuffed into my mailbox. (I think it would probably have taken her(?) less time to go up my driveway and leave the books on my front porch, as she has done with other packages in the past.) The books are geek and mind candy. One (a geek book) looks particularly interesting--about a society that doesn't have the concept of husbands or wives. Anyway, I've got plenty of reading material for the next couple of weeks--or so. Ike is looking more and more threatening with its cone of probability. Lady hasn't coughed today and she sppears to have forgiven me for taking her to the vet. This afternoon I made a trip to WalMart. I realize that doing this after lunch on a Saturday is pure insanity, but I needed all sorts of critter food, not to mention some stuff for me. I've said it before, but you meet the most interesting people in the pet food aisles. Buying dog biscuits for raccoons is considered perfectly logical--and everybody comments on how finicky their household pets are. I spotted the latest Janet Evanovich book (WalMart's new floor plan has the books incredibly accessible) and went ahead and bought it in hardcover. Having an author for a daughter is costing me a bundle "supporting the industry." I just spotted a to-do list for Saturday and about the only thing on it that I've done is under the "laundry" category. Almost done that is--it's been washed and dried, but it's still stored in the dryer. Tomorrow is the Saints' season opener and YD and I will be in that number. I'm trying to remember where my "A Woman's Place is in the Dome" shirt is. Of course, it's almost a year since I last wore it, so it is no doubt at the bottom of a pile somewhere. We usually leave my house about 10 AM, stop at a Subway to get lunch, then "tailgate" in the parking spot on the roof of the Dome parking garage. That's a whole lot cheaper than eating Dome food. As you can tell, this has most certainly been an IUD. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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