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2011-04-30 11:16 PM Late Again Read/Post Comments (1) |
Another last minute entry! At least this evening wasn't like yesterday, when I had a bout of what our family called collywobbles.
I woke up this morning just fine, and (so far) have remained that way. Thank Goodness!! And I'd better hurry if I want this to post in the April entries. There is a large fuzzy black beast sharing what little room remains on the card table that holds the computer. He's busy bathing. When he finishes bathing he'll be looking for a soft bed--which translates as me. It's really nice having a fuzzy blanket when it's cold, and (fortunately) we've come to a sort of agreement about relative sleeping positions when it isn't cold. Unless it's miserably hot and humid and the fan is on, he settles down next to me, rather than up close and/or on top like he does in the colder weather. When it's really cold CC also goes for the share the warmth method of keeping warm. But before we get to that weather there's a whole summer (and fall) to get through. This weekend (and maybe next?) is the annual Jazz and Heritage Festival--better know as JazzFest. It's held at the Fairgrounds Racetrack. The Jazz part needs no explanation. The Heritage is crafts etc.--and FOOD! I've been once or twice when Pete was alive, and it is really something. The weather is usually good--but then think about all the churches here in town. I'm sure there's a web site for more information that can be found via good old Google. My agenda for tomorrow includes (on The List) some kind of yard work. If the temperature is as pleasant as it was today, that will probably be raking and maybe burning. Or maybe some minor trimming of shrubbery. I don't do much on trimming--mostly it's getting overzealous branches under control. The various shrubbery has about finished this year's blooming, so I can probably trim to control growth, without losing next year's flowers. An easy-going day today, and I hope for another tomorrow. Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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