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2007-03-09 12:45 AM \o/ (That's My Tag for Good News) Mood: Tired Read/Post Comments (2) |
I'm tired, but in a good way.
At work, I'm starting to feel I've made some headway. I'm starting to understand the document I'm supposed to be writing, the one that everyone is asking me either, "When's it going to be ready?" or "Where is it?" (Implying that it should be ready.) It's not all cherries. My teammates seem more quiet around me, less talkative. I'm not sure what it means, but I'm worries. I'm blind to social situations, so I can't trust my gut feelings. (Good thing, too. My gut feelings are that they're distancing me because Bad Things are coming my way.) I'm just nervous. We'll see. At home, had a friend of the family come over. Actually, she's the realtor who helped us establish Kitty Manor here in the Pacific Northwest. We worked her hard, too. SpouseKitty is in a wheelchair, which means: first floor only, no steps (not even a single one), ramps and walkways from the sidewalk, and lighted way to civilization because here in the PNW, winter days are very short. Those of you who followed me from LiveJournal read about the Kitty Clan's particular needs and the difficulty in finding a place to call home. We spent a lot of time with our realtor and became chummy, if infrequent friends. I blame busy lives, mainly. She lives down the street from where I work, not that she's likely to be there during business hours, even the extended ones I sometimes keep. She came over with a housewarming gift, thanking us for the glowing referrals and sending business her way. We sat and chatted, not just shop about the housing market. It was good to just be social again. We did talk about SpouseKitty's health issues (and Kitten's hormonal swings. Puberty sucks.) It was depressing, but not crushingly so. She had some downbeats on her family, too, so it was more a co-miseration and co-support talk than a woe-is-me. Still, we ended on a happy note. Then, I indulged myself. As a moving in gift (we moved in five months ago, mind) I purchased a Tivo for SpouseKitty. Well, today, I found that it had recorded a bunch of JAG episodes. That's my secret vice, if ever there was one. I like procedural shows, but CSI is a little to glitzy and not enough characterizaton. Law & Order is too in-your-face, more action than I'd like. Yes, I like action films, but I'm more particular about my television. Like, I don't watch any. JAG is just my speed. Most of it was good and plain detective work, with a healthy dose of the Uniform Code of Military Justice thrown in. Groucho Marx once said, "Military justice is to justice what military music is to music." I'd have to agree, but it's a lot cleaner and less innuendo and handwaving. So I watched a few hours of it. Now, it's nearly 1 AM, and I'm indulging my other vice. Geek-toys. I just purchased a Toshiba GigaBeat mp3 player. (And movies, and photos, and FM radio, and window cleaner. Fooled ya!) 60 GB hard disk. Sixty. The laptop I'm using has a 60 GB hard disk. Wow. So I'm loading what 5GB or so of music I have on it. Then, maybe I'll listen to a song or two. After that, I'll probably ....zzzzzzzzzzz Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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