The Elsewhere

Pundiocy: Hyperdemocracy
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We are a democracy, specifically a representative democracy. The founders intended for each region to elect one person that would best serve to represent that region's interests. This is not necessarily the same as one person who is most like those who live in that region.

The difference is subtle, and yet important. The person to best represent a group is not necessarily the average in that group. Were this a single axis, then sending the person possessing the score closest to the average would imply at least one person above that representative's ability.

Of course, if that one person was so far out of the norm, then he would not be a good representative, either. This is where the delicate nature of "best represents" comes in. Not just "best," but "best represents."

Ideally, this is a government of our betters (for most of us,) but still our peers. Again, we don't want people so far removed from our everyday lives that they have no idea what we hope, what we fear. After all, they need to best represent us, so they need to know our needs.

I think having someone who is a peer, but smarter, wiser, more insightful, as a leader is a good thing. In contrast, I distrust crowds. (Heinlein once said, "Beware of stupid people in large groups.") A single person can be reasoned with. I can communicate, can hear, can understand my partner in conversation. Such is not the case with a crowd.

So why do we have the crowd making law? Why do we have propositions? Even if there is some feeling our representatives are not listening to us, we should mobilize the crowd to vote said representative out of office.

A crowd can be cowed. It can be easily misled. A whispering campaign inflames a crowd far easier than it does a rational person, especially one who 'best represents' a group.

I want my laws made based on reason, on discourse, with an eye toward not just past wrongs but potential future injustices. I barely trust my fellow herd to elect they that best represent us. I do not trust the herd to decide which proposition ought bind me.

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