The Elsewhere

TaerTime: Ignorance or Acuity?
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I don't drink alcohol. It's not a religious thing; it's not a moral thing. I just never developed a taste for it. My first college roommate was a heavyweight drinker. He said it would take him a 12-pack to get him buzzed. He would party every weekend and many nights.

Me, they had a t-shirt at the store to describe my stomach for booze: "One beer, two beer, three beer, floor." When we exchanged experiences, he didn't scoff. He was slightly wistful, envying my ability to get drunk on so few.


I just purchased a Blu-Ray player. You know what? I can't say it was worth the money. Yes, I can tell the difference. If you showed me either a before-and-after or a side-by-side test, I could probably tell you which one was Blu-Ray as opposed to simply upconverted. However, I can't say it makes such a big difference to me because, if I wasn't comparing two viewings, I couldn't tell if it was Blu-Ray or not.

SpouseKitty can, so where she's happy, I'm happy.


Then there's the matter of MP3s (or WMA, depending on your digital music format preference). I choose the lowest bitrate for my MP3s so I can store more of them on the player.

Time was, I had a 64MB player and that made a great deal of difference to encode lower so I could get the whole album in the memory. Now, it doesn't, but I haven't opted for higher. I really can't tell the difference between them.


So, the unifying trend is this question: is it better to be honed and acute so I am fussy and difficult to satisfy, or to be less aware of fine nuance and have a much easier time finding what I want?

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