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Glass Hart
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Long time, no update! Not sure why that happened. I've been unusually un-introspective this week, I think, focused more on what's happening to the characters in my new novel than I am on what's happening to me...

But I suppose there are some things happening to me. Heather and I have watched a couple of movies lately. Kiki's Delivery Service last night, which was cute, and Comedian tonight, which I enjoyed. Funny how common personality types found among stand-up comedians map onto common personality types among writers... but that's probably true of most artistic people. Like people who compensate for their insecurity by being arrogant; people who can simultaneously admire a fellow artist and seethe with envy and resentment at that person's success; people who think they're more talented than they are, and people who think they're less talented than they are; people who feel like frauds. And, of course, people who are kind, respectful, and do their art for the love of the work. Most artists combine a little of all those characteristics, I suspect. I thought it was a good documentary, quiet and thoughtful and interesting, and while I'd always thought of Jerry Seinfeld as a rather facile and superficial artist, I have a lot more respect for his work ethic and artistic commitment, now.

In writing news, I got my contributor copies of Polyphony 4 (yay!), and have read the fine stories by Greg and Jenn so far. I'm looking forward to the whole anthology. (Which contains my "Hart and Boot," a fantasy secret history that is a sort of strange precursor to the Western parts of Rangergirl.) I'm told that the current issue of Realms of Fantasy contains my story "In a Glass Casket," but since they haven't sent me contributor copies yet, I haven't seen the illustration. I'll try to pick up a copy this weekend.

My writing is going well. The Bridge novel is taking up most of my time and attention, though I have also written some poems that aren't very good. But they aren't very good because I'm trying to be more ambitious and work outside my comfort zone, so that's okay. I have hope for future success.

Heather and I have a party to attend Saturday afternoon, which should be fun, and will be attended by several people I like a lot and don't see nearly often enough. And a week from today we fly off to Boston, for a whirlwind Worldcon weekend. Whee!

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