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I need a laugh
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Fortunately there's this (yes I know making fun of the Dept. of Homeland Security's pictures is old hat, but these are so funny I actually had to stop reading them while I was eating lunch) and this. Mind you, they're both rated PG-13.

The sports news was so dreadful this week I actually went to the political news sites to avoid it.  Yick.  I hate seeing the ugly side of people, which unfortunately is easy to do when competition and testosterone is involved.

On the plus side, I've done some writing every evening this week -- and not just goofy blog stuff, either.  I started working on a non-fiction essay, mostly just as a way to get something on paper without having to worry about plot and character, and then in the middle of the week, I suddenly hit on a new last line for a story that I've been trying to edit for awhile now.  It's not the extent I should be working on things, since it's only 30-45 minutes before I go to bed every night, but it's better than the zip I've been doing lately.  Gotta start somewhere.

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