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So I've been a little busy ...
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And I can't use a crappy home computer as an excuse to post at work anymore (anyway, I haven't had a lot of time at work, either). Sorry. So, while I wait for the AntiVirus scan to complete itself, a few random things that were floating through my head this week:

* I am so hyped up about the Veronica Mars premiere (next Wednesday 9et/8ct!) that I had a dream about it yesterday. So I .... uh, won't be home. Well, come on, Yan and I have $10 tickets to the Fall for Dance Festival. Maybe my dream was a manifestation of my guilty feelings?

* As far as the new TV season, I haven't seen a whole lot, but I kind of like Threshold. Mind you, this is a show about aliens changing people's DNA with flashing lights and loud noises, and the thing I had the hardest time buying into was the other half of the premise -- that the government had someone plan for this very scenario years ago, and is now carrying out their plan in an efficient and orderly manner, pooling resources from several different government entities to do so.

* I've become a House junkie since VM switched to Wednesdays. But Bones? Sucks. Yet I can't stop watching it, because for some reason I now find David Boreanz hot. And I watched several seasons of Buffy and Angel without this reaction, so I don't know what brought this on. Maybe now that he's on Fox and an FBI agent he's tapping into my long dormant David Duchovny crush.

* The Cardinals better get a looong way this post season, because between the Jets, OU, and OSU, I think I'm better off ignoring the existence of football this year. First college basketball practice is in November, right?

Next week I apparently have this thing called a social life -- two Fall for Dance performances with Yan, Zan and BA's wedding on Saturday, so posting may be sparse for a while. Unless I decide to post again this weekend.

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