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Well, at least Game 5 was fun. And it was only right to end the season at Busch Stadium, since they are tearing it down. Bonus: next year I don’t have to feel bad about beating the Astros because Bagwell and Biggio are nice guys that never made it to the Series.

So, apparently, Meesh tagged me with this meme. I don’t really have anyone to tag, except Steph, but she’s hardly got enough time to update her blog any more. And everyone else I know that used to blog (including Married Little Brother) has pretty much quit. Bunch of slackers. But I’ll do it. It's kind of long though, so I'll do part of it now and part tomorrow.

Ten Years Ago I …

Was a sophomore in high school in Tulsa. I started as an assistant teacher at my dance school. I thought I hated English, because I had a horrible teacher who took all the fun out of it. Also, I was about to start writing a satirical story about what all my classmates and I would be doing at our ten year reunion. It’s still two years away, but I think I’m pretty safe in assuming I was probably 100% wrong.

Five Years Ago I …

Was probably frantically cramming for an American Lit KLEP test, so I could graduate from OU that spring (a year early), and putting together applications to grad schools (that I didn’t get into, at least not that year). Ooooh, it was probably about time for the OU-Nebraska football game, the single greatest sporting event I have ever seen live (as in, not on TV). Yeah, ‘cause the Sooners rocked when I was in school. At least that year.

Yesterday I …

Ran around like a crazy person, because at work we had a lecture and a reception to dedicate our library. Which went quite well, despite the fact that I put the wrong room number on the reminder emails I sent out for the lecture (luckily, most people went off the original email, which had the right number). Then I went home and watched the baseball game. I was so tired I barely cared that we lost. Oh, I watched Veronica Mars, too, of course. That was good.

Part II either tomorrow or Saturday, depending on if I have any free time before I leave for J1's party tomorrow evening.

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