Just because you don't believe it, doesn't mean I didn't mean it. 277618 Curiosities served |
2007-04-23 3:29 PM Stuck Indoors Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (0) I'm trying to come up with another reason to go outside this afternoon, since it is absolutely perfect weather today (I already went out once for lunch). I think I will have a desperate need for a snack upon completion of this post.
I watched the entire Red Sox-Yankees game on Saturday, simply because Fox's other game was Cubs-Cardinals and I figured I'd get periodic updates of the score and maybe even a highlight or two. (I was trying to clean the living room, so getting on the computer was just going to lead to more procrastination.) Nope. I wasn't looking at the screen the one time in the entire game that they ran the other league scores and the "Game Break" preferred to tell us what had just happened in the game we were watching. They even flipped the Cardinals game feed over to Boston twice (I'm sure having to watch A-Rod bat in the second inning for no real reason went over real well in Middle America) without giving any clues as to how the game was going. So good going, Fox -- next week you're showing the exact same lineup (way to be creative, MLB schedule makers) and I think I'll be watching the NBA playoffs on ABC. I get regular score updates over there, and it's not even the same sport. Granted, Saturday's game was certainly the one to miss in that series (Cubs won 6-0), but that doesn't mean I don't want to know what the score is. If anyone has not yet given How I Met Your Mother a look yet (or if you did and saw the "Bachelor Party" episode , which was one of the weaker ones this season), tonight CBS is re-running the infamous "Slap Bet"/"Robin Sparkles" episode. If you have not yet learned just exactly who Robin Sparkles is or the job responsibilities of Slap Bet Commissioner, well, I'm not going to ruin it for you. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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