Just because you don't believe it, doesn't mean I didn't mean it. 277673 Curiosities served |
2007-10-18 4:50 PM Randomness Abounds Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (0) I swear I do not intend to do this every Thursday, but I would like to note that Pushing Daisies had a Star Wars reference yesterday AND I found out (independent of watching the show) that Lee Pace (the very, very cute star of the show) was born in Oklahoma. Which makes two Oklahomans in major roles on that show, and proves once again this show is feeding off my subconscious somehow.
Also, I have found another handy use for my del.icio.us account -- I'm tagging book reviews and other items I want for Christmas with "wishlist." This way, I will not have to remember to bring it home with me at Thanksgiving (the gift exchange rules on my mother's side of the family require submitting wishlists when you put your name into the drawing). Last year I forgot it and accidentally put down I wanted a Regina Sexton CD instead of Regina Spektor (luckily Music Machine bought it for me off a corrected list). I hope we never have three programs in three days ever again (she says, knowing full well we're about 98% certain to move one of our November programs to a date where it will happen again). I've screwed up so many things this week just because I can't keep all the details straight, including almost forgetting to get lunch for one of the workshops (luckily New Boss asked about it in time). I think part of it is when Emm was here full time, just talking over things that needed to be done with her allowed me to double-check myself. The other part is that we're doing about twice as many programs as we've ever done in the fall, and more of them are involving people outside our department, which makes the planning much more complicated -- especially since they all take their sweet time writing back when I ask for their preferences. I was going to go on a little mini rant about how much I hated not getting to watch any of the NLCS due to cable and late start times, but the sugar buzz from the chocolate cookies (the saving grace of workshop days) is wearing off and I can't muster up enough righteous anger right now. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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