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2006-11-17 12:12 AM My 6 Weird things Ok, here are six weird things about me:
1. I am a stacker and straightener. If there are piles of paper, books, magazines, semi-flat objects, I will straighten them by stacking them. I start with the largest stuff on the bottom and go to the smallest (obviously, because if I did it the other way around everything would fall over! ;-) ). I think that's why I keep my shop so neat - because I love nice smooth straight lines and piles. 2. I have feet that I get from both my mother and father. many people tell me I have alien feet. My mother has long, skinny toes and my father has short stubby toes. The first three toes on each foot are long and skinny and the last two are short and stubby. Whereas most people's feet have a nice decline from longest to shortest, mine sort of have a shelf that just drops off. I hate my feet. 3. I love to kiss my dog. Now get your minds out of the gutter - I don't kiss him THAT way - I give him kisses on the right side of his face, directly between his ear and eye. It's his 'kissing spot'. When it comes to my dog, I totally understand the phrase, 'I could eat him up, he's so cute'. That's how I feel about him. Kinda like the old Bugs Bunny cartoons with the hound dog that would walk around saying, ". . . And I will love him and hug him and squeeze him and cuddle him and . . ." Yeah, that's me and my Heaper. 4. I am a complete pessimist/worrier/obsessor when I am waiting for something to happen. For example: we are waiting to give the completed contract with our offer back to the people that own the house we love. For the next few days, and until we actually go to settlement, I will worry, freak out, jump around, get excited, get sad, and all of the above about all of the things that could, would, or might happen in between. 5. I love the 80's. I was 5 - 15 in the 80's. I remember everything about them and they are my favorite time. Need a song and/or artist from the 80's? Let me know. Want a movie from the 80's? Not a problem. TV show? Event? Celebrity? Toy? Hit me with your best shot. It's like a sickness, I tell ya! 6. I am a reader. While in itself doesn't sound like a big deal, but again it's like a sickness. I will start a 300 page book at 9 p.m. and not go to sleep until it's done. It usually takes me approximately 4 hours to read a 300 page book. But it isn't unusual for me to stay up until 3 a.m. reading. Then I get up at 7 a.m. and start another one. If I'm not writing I'm reading. I read 107 books last year and I plan on reading more this year. It drives Matt crazy, but I do most of my reading once he's fallen asleep. Ok, I know those weren't the absolute weirdest things you've ever heard of, but I'm not good at thinking under pressure. heh. I'll probably think of 6 way weirder things as soon as I'm done this. If I do, I'll post them. I think everyone has already been tagged for this so I'm S.O.L. If I can find someone to tag, I'll let them know. Until then, Peace Out. Read/Post Comments (9) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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