Woodstock's Blog Books and other stuff I feel like discussing By education and experience - Accountant with a specialty in taxation. Formerly a CPA (license has lapsed). Masters degree in law of taxation from University of Denver. Now retired. Part time work during baseball season as receptionist & switchboard operator for the Colorado Rockies. This gig feeds my soul in ways I have trouble articulating. One daughter, and four grandchildren. I share the house with two cats; a big goof of a cat called Grinch (named as a joke for his easy going "whatever" disposition); and Lady, a shelter adoptee with a regal bearing and sweet little soprano voice. I would be very bereft if it ever becomes necessary to keep house without a cat. |
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Mood: Proud Read/Post Comments (2) |
2008-03-17 3:51 PM I played detective! And solved the case!
The library systems in the Denver Metropolitan area have reciprocal borrowing privileges - with a valid library card and a driver's license, systems in other suburbs will give you a bar code to stick on your library card, and you can borrow their books. There are two other systems which are a reasonable drive from my house, so I go over there on occasion. AND if you return the other system's book to your own system's bookdrop, there is a metro-wide courier service which will take care of returning it for you. There was a long waiting list at Jeffco for the Februrary book discussion choice, so I went over to Englewood and picked it up. It was due to Englewood on 2/22, and I stuck it in Jeffco's book drop on 2/12. Plenty of time for the courier service to get it back safely. Early last week I got a stern overdue notice from Englewood, a notice that I had reached the maximum fine, would have a blot on my record there for "losing" the book, etc, etc. A couple of phone calls to Jeffco and to Englewood didn't shed any light on what happened. On a hunch, Saturday afternoon I went over to the Jeffco library where I had dropped off the book, and guess what? Englewood's book was on their shelf! So after a short conference with Jeffco's circulation desk, a phone call to Englewood's circulation desk, and apologies received from Jeffco - all is solved! If I can leave the book with Jeffco, allow the courier service to bring it back, Englewood will void the fine, and clear my record. Jeffco's staff looked appropriately shamefaced, and I am relieved the book is safe. The trouble is, I was my own client of my own detective agency, and in that scenario, the fees are pitiful! But for a long time fan of mystery fiction, it was a kick to solve a mystery of my own! Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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