Woodstock's Blog Books and other stuff I feel like discussing By education and experience - Accountant with a specialty in taxation. Formerly a CPA (license has lapsed). Masters degree in law of taxation from University of Denver. Now retired. Part time work during baseball season as receptionist & switchboard operator for the Colorado Rockies. This gig feeds my soul in ways I have trouble articulating. One daughter, and four grandchildren. I share the house with two cats; a big goof of a cat called Grinch (named as a joke for his easy going "whatever" disposition); and Lady, a shelter adoptee with a regal bearing and sweet little soprano voice. I would be very bereft if it ever becomes necessary to keep house without a cat. |
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Mood: Apprehensive Read/Post Comments (3) |
2008-11-27 8:56 AM Paying the piper When I was a kid, my mother would discipline me by taking away my stash of books. While the injustice of some of those incidents still burns within me, I know she had an excellent grasp of how to get my attention.
As a sophomore in college, I was engrossed in a book, and on my way to meet some friends in the public cafeteria which was in the lower lobby of my dorm building - acessed by a stairway which opened off the lobby. I took my book along, and on my way down the stairs, missed a step and fell to the next landing. I tore ligaments in my foot - almost immediately very painful; but also at the same time probably tore some cartilage in my right knee. Not so painful right away. My foot got all the medical attention in the next few weeks, and my poor right knee began to deteriorate. I had surgery in 1968 (pre arthoscopy days), and managed quite well until the summer of 2001. Turns out the worst thing you can do for a knee with no cartilage is to walk on it. But the alternative is never walking, and that's not a good choice either. So, perhaps as long delayed repayment for evading my mother's requests and for being unwilling to take my eyes from the pages of a book for the time it takes to go down a flight of stairs, I'm having my right knee replaced on Tuesday. After a few days in the hospital, I'm going to a rehab facility where I understand they have an internet terminal. If that's correct, I can sign in and update those who might be interested on how things are going. Until then, I hope all of you enjoy the holiday season with good health and flexible joints! Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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