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Mood: Guilty Himself of That Read/Post Comments (0) |
2008-05-28 12:04 PM P/E/A: Belatedly Presented Plans Student "edition" found at {csi dot journalspace dot com}.
Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on. My proposal for the one written/oral report and the individual daily journal for the laboratory classes has finally taken off. There were teachers who I had initially not told about it who were asking me about it, so I had to make a more comprehensive description about it, based on their additional questions I had not initially thought. Of course, I didn't give a copy to slacker co-teacher, who just gives projects to his lab classes anyway instead of making experiments. And even if he does perform experiments, his priority is early finishing and not the skills the students should learn like technical reporting (oral and written) and detailed construction. @@ The Student Council is still insisting on a Friday morning start for their training, now even involving two teachers (one former student here as well as SC president) and four former student leaders as well. Besides that, the place that they are going to be using for their training, which even though it isn't as hotel atmosphere as some of their previous places, is the best one they could get in the time frame given. The problem is that the place, used to dealing with such groups from the nearby state university, is insisting on cash payment. Besides that, it isn't an all inclusive package fee, but they have to contact another outfit for their food for the two days and three nights. And since the accounting office does not deal with non-check payments, that means that the payment has to be endorsed to a faculty first then paid to the place that will have to give an official receipt that has a proper tax identification number. The way things are going, I don't think the brother president is going to approve of any other projects that are this haphazardly planned by them in the future, including the next batches. Session 2185 is still working on an initial dislike for the authority, and subtly thumbing noses at them. Class dismissed. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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