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Mood: Holding Back Read/Post Comments (0) |
2009-08-19 1:53 PM Under the Surface Behavior Student "edition" found at {thoughts dot com slash typed no space out no space loud slash blog}.
Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on. One of the things that happened over the weekend when I had watched "The Hangover" was that TV, who I watched it with, was commenting on how they (meaning most likely the Hollywood screen writers) always took the good looking guy out of the equation for a romantic entanglement by making him married. She may have also said something about this making the character less developed than the others. I replied that for me it was the most credible performance because he was a school teacher who did the craziest things out of all four of them when under the influence of an inhibition-repressive. I guess that really is the problem with being around impressionable kids. A teacher has to watch what he or she says otherwise it could all be traced back to them. @@ That reminds me, it's funny that one of my co-teachers, who is known for his arrogance (which makes me afraid for the few students who do for some strange reason, look up to him) basically in two separate occasions admitted to being concerned about the parents showing up and blaming him for something that can be explained easily. The first time he did this, which I may have written about here already, was about not accepting special classes. He doesn't want not to accept them because if the student is graduating, he doesn't want the parents coming back and complaining that he is the reason their child didn't graduate early. It can't be about graduating on time because if a student is regular, they wouldn't need a special class in the first place. The second time, at the academic advisers' meeting, was about changing of grades. I sort of tuned out what he was saying after he said the first part about "what if the parents..." because for someone who is supposed to be so smart, his worries are so irrational. It is so easy to defend to the administrators and to the parents what one does at work. Well, that's how I look at it because I know what I do inside and out. Maybe he's worried that he can't justify to the parents how he's giving the students very difficult assignments. Maybe it's part of a childhood trauma of his where because of something he did, his parents went to the school to rag on the teacher, and maybe got fired for the trouble. Or maybe that's what happened in his previous job, since this isn't his first teaching position. Session 2771 is just speculating here. He may be looking for assurance that the school will back him up no matter what, which of course can't be given. Class dismissed. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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