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Mood: Bitter Maybe Read/Post Comments (0) |
2010-04-16 10:31 AM Worker Non Appreciation Years Student "edition" found at {thoughts dot com slash typed no space out no space loud slash blog}.
Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on. I am still talking about Wednesday. There is just that much to put down on virtual paper about what happened. To be honest, while we were talking, I did not feel any veiled hostility from the one I had come to think of as my big boss. That is even though when it came to defending my job, she foisted me off to the human resources head. I really was amazed that I could look at her and see the same sweet person I had known seven years ago. I guess some people are just more complex that we realize, although others cannot pull it off, and even when they try to be supposedly tough or somewhat aggressive, they just come off as straight out lying. But I am digressing again, just as I have the past few days which is why I cannot finish this rant. She even offered to help me with my paper, at least with the editing that is. And thankfully she did tell me that when a person enrolls in a subject and does not finish it, it is now an automatic withdrawal instead of a failure. That is one fact that I am glad I have in my corner when I do decide to continue pursuing that degree. Anyway, as I said yesterday, I was again put on the defensive, even about my decision to turn down part time teaching load. I had to say about the landlady of the business space I rent also building residential studios, at the price that would only get one a bed space in the metro, further discounted by the fact that I have talked to her even before the construction has finished and before any advertisements or signs are put up. I had to provide details like how big the place is, and how I would be able to take care of my parents now. Then I was again thrown for a loop by being told that I should hold a housewarming with them the teachers there. Really, I would need that reminder that I am someone you will not be seeing for sometime due to bad administrative decisions? I guess it is as the director of the school of engineering said: they thought people are so desperate to stay on despite their being not really good decision-making employers that when they are told that the workers prefer to move on to attractively greener pastures, they are shocked. So they think that they are still covered for teachers for the next school year, but end up lacking professors, because they are throwing out the competent people for the convenience of consistency. They do not see how employees appreciate it if an employer sees their worth, not just in words, but actually fights for them. And this is without the arrogance of seeming or believing indispensability, or of threats of negative publicity. Session 3047 thinks this topic is done at last. Class dismissed. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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