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Mood: Challenged by the Possibilities Read/Post Comments (0) |
2010-04-19 10:34 AM Mondays as Weekend Extensions Student "edition" found at {thoughts dot com slash typed no space out no space loud slash blog}.
Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on. I was not in school again today. That makes it two Mondays in a row, as if anyone is counting. I was in the San Sebastian campus in the Carmel Ray Industrial Park One. It was only yesterday I found out there were two of them. Sadly the second one was closer from my point of origin, so it was more of a hassle to travel longer to get to the first park. It took two jeep rides, and one tricycle ride, and a long walk. This is because from where the tricycle dropped me off, it was a small metal footbridge over the creek to the entrance of Carmel Ray. From there it was about the better part of a kilometer of a walk to the campus, strangely familiar in that it is one block of a building inside the campus, of only four stories. The only difference from regular haunts is the presence of minarets that made it look almost like the local INK churches. The office of the dean made me think that it was actually less than a year old, there being two large wooden unvarnished bookcases against one wall there with one solitary binder at one side. The area of the secretary to the dean and the clerk were just as equally sparse, not suggesting having been sufficiently lived in or more accurately worked in, without that much clutter. After talking to the dean, I was told that I would have to talk to the school director. This, as I mentioned in the micro blogging social networks, led to some confusion before I realized that the social director was actually of higher rank than the dean, instead of the other way around I was used to. I find this out how: from a tarpaulin on the first floor I saw, in the lobby actually, showing the faculty, staff and administrators. It contained all in all thirty faces, from the school director, a priest, to human resources head. Faculty members numbered less than ten. I made the mistake of opting for an off campus lunch. This meant two more long walks, and paying special for the tricycle going out. But I was able to eat at Wood Bridge pizza for the first time in a real long time, although I did not opt for their thirty six inch pizza. This was at Carmel Mall by the way. It was only in the afternoon, after sufficient nugatory responses to queries about what time I was going to be going to school that I found out that the school was founded in 2005. They actually had graduates already, although probably not as many as we did during our first year, that pronoun being something I will have get used not to using soon, at least in this reference. But they only had two hundred and sixty plus students, in maybe two schools, or disciplines, if I do not count arts and sciences. And they have a staff house for employees to stay in rather than have to go the long route to work. Session 3051 asked the social networks about being drawn to emerging, starting campuses. Class dismissed. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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