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Well, Spring Break is over. I spent 9 days in Vegas, and just returned 45 minutes ago. I wasn't able to update from home. Some technical glitch. I got to open for Karen Lumos at her feature. She is 10 weeks pregnant which is kind of a shock. I never knew she wanted kids. She and Steve will make excellent parents. She did a great feature and has captured the essence of Las Vegas Buffet Culture. I spent most of the week doing nothing, watching movies. I finally saw Lord of the Rings. It was good but not great. On Friday I got to see Deborah Kohen and she had some awesome new material about the last year of her life and all the turmoil of sending a daughter off to college, especially as a single mom. Her segment about picking ice from the frosted refrigerator hit close to home. Not because I recently defrosted mine too, but the metaphor involved. When ever we try and get things together there are some bumps in the road like a freon leak, or spray in her case. Speaking of bumps, I have to take my car to the shop. It is overheating in slow traffic. It was so bad that I had to turn around before the Hoover Dam and take 95 to Laughlin. Only, I ended up going to Needles, which cost me another hour, but I got to see new scenery. Now I am back, and the cats have forgiven me. Chip Mosher immediately went back to normal, and Madonna took another 20 minutes but has readjusted to my pad in Flagstaff. Madonna spent the last 9 days under the bed in my old room. She came out at night to eat and play when everyone else was asleep, but I am the only person she trusts. Also I got to see Placido Domingo last night. He was at the Mandalay Bay. I got to sit in the 200 dollar seats because I was a guest of the reviewer for the Las Vegas Review Journal, who also happens to be my mom's best friend. So the three of us went. Great show, and then afterwards we crashed the 200$ reception for the Las Vegas Philharmonic and had champagne and hors dourves(sic). It wasn't so much to crash it as for Julie, the reviewer to find out what the last few encores were. The program consisted of a lot of Puccini, a few obscurer names and Summertime from Porgy and Bess, Tonight from West Side Story. There were only 5 or 6 thousand in a 12 thousand seat arena, but they did five encores anyway. In my current financial status, I would not pay 200$, but if I ever get filthy rich, I will gladly pay my way for these events. They are kinda fun. Placido came into the reception, but I guess me and the ladies felt shy, and tired so we headed home before shaking the hand of Mr Domingo. Well it has been 10 days, and still no news from the graduate schools, although Long Beach sent me their summer catalog, so maybe that is a good omen. Also Bruce Isaacson offered to write Dr Webb a nice letter. We soon shall see what happens.

Now I have to catch up on email, and grading!

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